
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Let's give a warm welcome to 2011! Today marks the beginning of a new year. Unfortunately, a headache from saying adios to 2010 has left me lazy for the day. I will say that it feels good to have a clean slate to work with. A new year means you can make changes in your life, which are hopefully positive. Resolutions are always funny because people want to get healthy, lose weight, etc. However, I always find myself wanting to make a resolutions to better my life and others, but never following through. So, I resolute to make this year's resolutions different!

Here are some of my aspirations for the new year.
  • Be more positive--I tend to complain a lot behind closed doors
  • Get my license--Knowing I turn 23 this year, I NEED to finally get a drivers license (ha!)
  • Cook more frequently--Its easy to cook when I have free time, but once classes get going I fall short. I'm setting a goal of one meal per week during the semester in hopes that by setting a small goal I will always succeed (that's the key to resolutions!)
  • Blog more often--Again, I'm setting a small goal of blogging once per week when class is in session. With papers, exams, and readings its hard to find time. However, cooking/blogging is "me time" so I must make room for that.
So I ask, what are resolutions?

I am excited to see what 2011 will bring. It will be a year for big things, I just know it.

To all of you in the blog-o-sphere, a happy, healthy, and safe 2011.

Until next thyme,


  1. Erika, I love your use of the word "thyme." That is so clever.

    I can understand your drivers license resolution. One of mine will be to drive more as I drive very, very little. When we lived in the islands, I didn't drive a car for almost ten years. Talk about losing your driving skills!

    I did drive a golf cart around a tiny island on coral roads (on the left side of the road as is the law there). So you can imagine when we returned to the US, Interstate 95 looked like the Daytona 500 to me.

    Wishing you and healthy and happy new year.

  2. If you want to get together and cook something while you are off classes let me know! Check out this site it is one of my favorites and an endless source of inspiration. you will love it!
